Design NEOPLANu Cityliner oceněn "red dot: best of the best" (CZ + EN)

(NEOPLAN wins the “red dot: best of the best” design prize for the first time with the new Cityliner.)
(NEOPLAN wins the “red dot: best of the best” design prize for the first time with the new Cityliner.)
Autobus NEOPLAN Cityliner představený na IAA 2006 byl oceněn prestižní cenou světového významu “red dot design award: best of best“ (cena za design "červený bod": nejlepší z nejlepších) - poprvé pro skupinu NEOMAN Bus Group. Z více než 2 500 produktů je 42 oceněno za kvalitu designu. V roce 2005 cenu “red dot design award“ získaly NEOPLAN Starliner a NEOPLAN Trendliner. Poslední cena je již devátým designovým oceněním od roku 2001 pro autobusy značek MAN nebo NEOPLAN. Slavnostní ceromoniál bude 25.6.2007 v opeře v Essenu.
NEOMAN Bus je autobusová divize skupina MAN Nutzfahrzeuge. Společnost vyvíjí, vyrábí a obchoduje s autobusy a autokary MAN a NEOPLAN. Ve fiskálním roce 2006 NEOMAN Bus dosáhl obratu € 1.5 mld s 8,900 zaměstnanci a 7,300 prodanými autobusy a podvozky.
Z TZ NEOMAN Bus Group. Celá zpráva v angličtině.

Na BUSportálu:

Neoplan Cityliner - novinka společnosti NEOMAN, divize MAN Nutzfahrzeuge.

Nové modely autobusů MAN a NEOPLAN úspěšné v mezinárodních soutěžích.

NEOPLAN wins the “red dot: best of the best” design prize for the first time with the new Cityliner

The NEOPLAN Cityliner launched at IAA Commercial Vehicles 2006 has won one of the most highly regarded and important design prizes worldwide, the very top prize in the contest of the “red dot design award: best of best“, for the first time for the NEOMAN Bus Group. From over 2,500 products entered just 42 were awarded this quality seal for outstanding design. In 2005 the NEOPLAN Starliner and the NEOPLAN Trendliner had already won the “red dot design award“. The latest award is thus already the ninth design accolade since 2001 for buses of the MAN or NEOPLAN brands.

The internationally renowned jury of experts voted for the NEOPLAN Cityliner from 2548 entries received from 43 countries and awarded the coveted quality mark for sophisticated and innovative design. The jury from the design centre in North Rhine Westphalia judged the products which were entered according to various criteria such as innovation, functionality, formal quality, ergonomics, symbolic and emotional content and the self-explanatory aspect of the product. Cityliner was able to beat the competition in all of these attributes. The formal award ceremony will be held on June 25th 2007 in the Essen opera house.

The NEOPLAN Cityliner combines progressive engineering and a high customer benefit with an attractive, forward-looking design. With its elegant line based on the sharp-cut design of the Starliner and the typical flight-station appearance of the front, the youngest generation of the NEOPLAN Cityliner sets standards in the premium class: Bus design with understated elegance in which the shaping and the expansive self-contained glass and painted surfaces are the features which distinguish the overall impression. The Cityliner can also be fitted with numerous high-grade safety systems. Beside the standard ESP these include the electronic drivers’ assistance systems, Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and the Lane Guard System (LGS) with the haptic warning in the driver’s seat. For the first time in a coach, beside the standard cornering lights, vision is yet again improved with the Bi-Xenon light which is integrated in the elegant clear-glass optics of the headlights.

In East Europe, traditionally a strong NEOPLAN market, the NEOPLAN Cityliner has won awards. In Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the coach had already won the “Bus of the Year 2007” title in February. The jury made up of experts from the bus industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, praised in particular the optical and technical advantages of the Cityliner which easily outclasses its competitors. The vehicle already won the same award at the end of 2006 following a readers survey in Slovenia. Voting had been organised by the trade publications “Transport“ and ”Mehanik in voznik“ (“Mechanics and drivers“) and the web portal ““. The NEOPLAN Cityliner held its own here too with a clear lead over the competition.
NEOMAN Bus is the Bus Division of the MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Group. The company develops, produces and markets MAN and NEOPLAN buses and coaches. In fiscal year 2006 NEOMAN Bus recorded a turnover of € 1.5 billion with a workforce of over 8,900 and over 7,300 bus and chassis sales.
NEOMAN Bus Group Press release

Design NEOPLANu Cityliner oceněn "red dot: best of the best" (CZ + EN)
Design NEOPLANu Cityliner oceněn "red dot: best of the best" (CZ + EN)