Busworld Asia 2011: "Global Electric Bus Conference" se uskuteční 29.3

(CZ + EN) Veletrh bude zahájen následující den. (Busworld Asia 2011 Launches Global Electric Bus Conference.)
(CZ + EN) Veletrh bude zahájen následující den. (Busworld Asia 2011 Launches Global Electric Bus Conference.)
V důsledku narůstajícího znečištění životního prostředí, nedostatku ropy a dalších neobnovitelných zdrojů a spolu se stoupající potřebou uchování energie a redukce emisí se stávají nejnovějším vývojovým trendem v automobilovém průmyslu inovovaná vozidla a vozidla poháněná obnovitelnou energií. Součástí světové výstavy Expo v Šanghaji bylo i úspěšné využití elektrobusů, které přitahovaly pozornost milionů návštěvníků. I po ukončení výstavy přetrvávají otázky, jak by mohla vozidla využívající obnovitelnou energi získat větší podíl na trhu a jak mohou asociace a instituce v oboru veřejné dopravy v celém světě popularizovat využití těchto technologií. K posílení mezinárodního dialogu na toto téma bude uspořádána 29. března 2011 E-Bus Summit Conference. Akce je pořádána v kooperaci s UITP a Public Transport Society of China, partnerem je Busworld Asia.

Během E-Bus kongresu se setkají zástupci vlády, mezinárodní odborníci, velcí dopravci, výrobci vozidel a vybavení a zástupci energetiky.

30. března pak bude slavnostně zahájen 11. veletrh Busworld Asia s velkou přehlídkou nových modelů s příležitostí se těsně osobně seznámit s konkrétními vozidly.

Global Passenger Bus New Energy Forum má motto “Post World-Expo: Sustainable Development in New Energy Vehicles, Competitive Strategies and Opportunities (Stav po Expo 2010: Udržitelný vývoj vozidel s novými pohony, konkurenceschopné strategie a příležitosti)” s partikulárním zaměřením na vývoj trhu vozidel s novými pohony. Hlavními tématy jsou:

• Vývoj průmyslu pro veřejnou dopravu s čínskými rysy
• Postupy evropských vlád a objevující se příležitosti na trhu
• Zkušenosti z Expa: Provoz, technologie, servis
• Státní podpůrné politiky : Dopravci a ekonomická podpora
• Průmyslové postupy

“The Global Passenger Bus New Energy Forum” pokračuje v tradici Bus World Asia se zřetelem na profesionalitu a globální vlivy.
Kontakty na konferenci:VNU Exhibitions Co. Shanghai Ltd.
Steven Paul Bielinski
Tel.: 021-6195 6088-990 Fax: 021-6195 6099 13641891250
Email: Steven.Bielinski@vnuexhibitions.com.cn
Program viz níže, změna vyhrazena.
Z TZ Busworld Asia. Kompletní v angličtině.
PR Busworld Asia
Busworld Asia 2011 Launches Global Electric Bus Conference - Global Passenger Bus New Energy Forum
Following increasingly severe environmental pollution, the scarcity of oil and other non-renewable resources and the growing necessity of energy conservation and emissions reductions, new and renewable energy vehicles have become the latest developmental trend in the automotive industry. The enormously successful Shanghai World Expo was crowned by the successful use of electric powered buses, attracting the attention of millions who attended. In the post-expo period, lingering questions remain: how can renewable energy vehicles win a greater markets share and how can public transportation associations and institutions around the world popularize the use of these technologies. To strengthen international exchange and dialogue, consolidate the best resources in the industry and advance new innovation in the new energy vehicle market, Busworld Asia’s E-Bus Summit Conference will be held on March 29th 2011 at the Doubletree by Hilton Huaqiao/Kunshan. This Busworld Asia summit is being cooperatively held by UITP the International Association of Public Transport and the Public Transport Society of China, in partnership with host institution Busworld Asia. The E-Bus Summit Conference will invite a number of experts including: China Public Transportation Department Road Transport Deputy Director Mr. Xu Ya Hua, Shanghai Transportation and Harbor Administration Director Mr. Sun Jian Ping, Shanghai Bashi Public Transportation Company Chairman Mr. Hong Ren Chu, Shanghai Tongji University Dean of School of Automotive Studies Mr. Yu Zhuo Ping and other leading experts to share their experiences in the operation of electric vehicles in this post World Expo period and delve into government policies and strategies that are guiding the electric bus industry forward. At the same time, two distinguished overseas experts will be participating in the Busworld Asia E-Bus Congress: London Bus Company Operations Director Mr. Mike Weston and Mr. Gonzalez Balmas, member of UITP’s Bus Committee and Supervisor for TMB Barcelona Metropolitan Transport Company. As experts in the field of renewable energy they bring a wealth of experience and industry management knowledge to the discussion.

During the E-Bus Congress, government representatives, international experts, large scale public transport operators, bus coach manufacturers, and accessory parts companies in the new and renewable energy field with gather together for an unprecedented meeting of the minds, collaborating together on recent development in the sector both in China and abroad.

On March 30th, the 11th edition of Busworld Asia will conduct its grand opening with a dazzling display of new passenger bus models on review, offering visitors an up close and personal opportunity to experience leading new and renewable energy passenger buses.

The Global Passenger Bus New Energy Forum theme is “Post World-Expo: Sustainable Development in New Energy Vehicles, Competitive Strategies and Opportunities” with a particular focus on the evolution of the new energy vehicle market. This wide ranging discussion will include trends in the automotive market and government policies, analysis of industry trends, and the challenges that lie ahead. With the experience of global electric bus utilization and operation at the fore, this edition of the new energy e-bus forum will cover the following topics:

• Developing a Public Transportation Industry with Chinese Characteristics
• European Government Policies and Emerging Market Opportunities
• The World Expo Experience: Operations, Technology, Service
• Government Supportive Policies: Operators and Economic Support Policies
• Industrialization Policies: the Manufacturing Industry and Industrial Planning

“The Global Passenger Bus New Energy Forum” will continue in the tradition of Bus World Asia excellence, putting into play the professionalism and global influence that Busworld Asia enjoys in the bus and coach industry to inform and educate. This one of a kind gathering of leading professionals will offer cutting edge insights and analysis into a rapidly evolving sector that Busworld Asia is blazing the way for.
Conference Contact:VNU Exhibitions Co. Shanghai Ltd.
Mr. Steven Paul Bielinski
Telephone: 021-6195 6088-990 Fax: 021-6195 6099 13641891250
Email: Steven.Bielinski@vnuexhibitions.com.cn
Attached: Invited VIP Guests, Summit Itinerary (daily schedule may fluctuate)
March 29th 2011 Doubletree by Hilton Huaqiao/Kunshan

Busworld Asia 2011: "Global Electric Bus Conference" se uskuteční 29.3
Elektrobusy na Busworld Asia 2010
Busworld Asia 2011: "Global Electric Bus Conference" se uskuteční 29.3