BUSportál SK: VDL Bus & Coach dodáva 2 hybridy  pre projekt NEMS  Rotterdam

VDL Bus & Coach dodáva dva autobusy Citea pre spoločnosť RET (Rotterdam public transport)-projekt NEMS.
VDL Bus & Coach dodáva dva autobusy Citea pre spoločnosť RET (Rotterdam public transport)-projekt NEMS.
Autobusy typu CLF (Citea Low Floor) sú 12 metrov dlhé a majú kompletne nízku podlahu. Citey budú v prevedení e-Traction a budú mať hybridný systém pohonu.

e-Traction je holandská výskumná inžinieringová firma.
Objednávka je súčasťou tzv. projektu NEMS, pričom NEMS je holandská skratka pre energiu - výkonný a k životnému prostrediu priateľský mestský autobus.
Cieľom projektu, ktorý podporuje holandská vláda, sú nulové výfukové emisie v centre Rotterdamu.

Partnermi, ktorí spolupracujú na projekte NEMS sú RET (Rotterdam public transport company), RCI (Rotterdam Climate Initiative), VDL Bus & Coach, e-Traction Europe B.V., Eneco, the City Region of Rotterdam a Rotterdam Institute of Higher Education.

Citey, premenované pre tento projekt na autobusy NEMS, budú podľa cestovného poriadku dopravcu RET prevádzkované počas dvoch rokov, projekt štartuje na jeseň tohto roka.

TS: VDL Bus & Coach bv, Valkenswaard, výber z anglického originálu: VDL Bus & Coach supplies for NEMS project in Rotterdam

VDL Bus & Coach has been awarded the order to supply two Citeas to RET (Rotterdam public transport company), the concession holder for urban transport in the Dutch city of Rotterdam. The buses concerned are CLFs (Citea Low Floor), which are 12 metres long and have a completely flat floor. The Citeas will be converted by e- Traction and will have a hybrid drive system. e-Traction is a Dutch engineering and inventing firm. This order forms part of the so-called NEMS project: NEMS is the Dutch abbreviation for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly city buses. The aim is to have zero-emission driving in the centre of Rotterdam. The project is subsidised by the Dutch government.

NEMS partners
The partners co-operating in the NEMS project are RET (Rotterdam public transport company), RCI (Rotterdam Climate Initiative), VDL Bus & Coach, e-Traction Europe B.V., Eneco, the City Region of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Institute of Higher Education. The Citeas, renamed NEMS buses for this project, will run on RET's timetable for two years. During these two years the Citeas will be tested and information will be gathered about the operational characteristics and the sustainability effects that can be achieved. The project will start in the autumn of 2009.

Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly
Fuel consumption is expected to fall by as much as half that of a normal city bus. The reduction in CO2 emissions will be 50%. In certain streets and districts of Rotterdam driving can be done completely electrically. This means zero-emission driving.
An additional environmentally friendly aspect is that the Citeas produce far less noise, both inside and outside the bus. Thanks to the smooth acceleration and braking in combination with this reduced noise, an increased feeling of comfort is achieved for both the passengers and the driver.

BUSportál SK: VDL Bus & Coach dodáva 2 hybridy  pre projekt NEMS  Rotterdam
Citea CLF.