BUSportál SK: Dodávka stého taxi-vozíčkarskeho autobusu pre Th. Lubbe Reizen

(SK + EN) VDL Bus & Coach Nederland odovzdal 5. februára 2009 jubilejný taxi-vozíčkarsky autobus pre Th. Lubbe Reizen. (Delivery of 100th taxi/wheelchair bus to Th. Lubbe Reizen)
(SK + EN) VDL Bus & Coach Nederland odovzdal 5. februára 2009 jubilejný taxi-vozíčkarsky autobus pre Th. Lubbe Reizen. (Delivery of 100th taxi/wheelchair bus to Th. Lubbe Reizen)
Prvé vozidlo pre Th. Lubbe Reizen odovzdal VDL Kusters v roku 1984.

Teraz, o 25 rokov neskôr sa spolupráca medzi dvomi firmami ukončila dodávkou stého vozidla.
Všetkých 100 vozidiel pre Th. Lubbe Reizen bolo dodaných v spolupráci s B.V. LIAM (díler Mercedes-Benz).
B.V. LIAM dodával základné verzie vozidiel, ktoré VDL Bus & Coach prestaval na taxi-vozíčkarske autobusy. Jubilejné sté vozidlo bolo prestavané zo základného Mercedesu-Benz 311 CDi Sprinter combi, s dĺžkou 4,325 m.
Autobus môže odviezť viac ako 8 cestujúcich.

VDL Bus & Coach bv

Z anglického originálu - From english original:
Delivery of 100th taxi/wheelchair bus to Th. Lubbe Reizen

On 5 February 2009 VDL Bus & Coach Nederland handed over the 100th taxi/wheelchair bus to Th. Lubbe Reizen.

In 1984 VDL Kusters delivered the first vehicle to Th. Lubbe Reizen. Now, 25 years later, the close co-operation between the two firms has been sealed with the delivery of the 100th taxi/wheelchair bus.

All 100 taxi/wheelchair buses for Th. Lubbe Reizen have been supplied in collaboration with B.V. LIAM (Mercedes-Benz dealer). B.V. LIAM supplied the basic vehicles that were converted by VDL Bus & Coach into taxi/wheelchair buses.
The 100th vehicle was built on the basis of a Mercedes-Benz 311 CDi Sprinter combi with a 4,325 mm wheelbase. The bus can accommodate up to 8 passengers and is fitted with the FutureFix system. FutureFix is a multifunctional furniture system designed to allow the layout of the bus to be arranged rapidly and flexibly, thus making optimal use of the available space. The FutureFix seat and back can be folded away so that people in wheelchairs can also have a safe three-point type seat belt and a head support.

Th. Lubbe Reizen In 1961 Theodorus (Dick) Lubbe began providing taxi transport with just one vehicle. From 1 taxi vehicle in 1961, Th. Lubbe Reizen's fleet of vehicles has now grown to 17 coaches and 80 small taxi/wheelchair buses. The company, based in Zoeterwoude (The Netherlands), provides customised transport, such as coach transport, disabled transport, school transport, day trips and multi-day trips.

Valkenswaard, 17 February 2009

VDL Bus & Coach bv