jako součást nového BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) systému Jokeri v Helsinkách.
(Volvo bus named Commercial Vehicle of the Year in Finland).
jako součást nového BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) systému Jokeri v Helsinkách.
(Volvo bus named Commercial Vehicle of the Year in Finland).
Volvo bus named Commercial Vehicle of the Year in Finland
Titul získal seminízkopodlažní autobus "low-entry", Volvo 8700 LE. Cenu získal za přátelský přístup k životnímu prostředí a jako důležitá součást nového BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) systému v HelsinkáchCenu "Commercial Vehicle of the Year in Finland" vyhlašuje každoročně obchodní magazín Ajolinja. Nejzávažnějším argumentem pro Volvo 8700 LE byla úroveň emisí EURO 5 - do Finska dodalo vůbec první vozidla splňující tuto normu právě Volvo.
Volvo 8700 LE je také základní součástí "Jokeri bus transit system" v Helsinkách, kterýá dosáhl značné pozitivní publicity. Jokeri, provozovaný společností Concordia Bus Finland, obsluhuje 30 km autobusovou linku ve vyhrazených pruzích s předností průjezdu křižovatkami. Cestující informuje GPS systém o přesném příjezdu busu. Jokeri využívá i designových prostředků k odlišení od ostatní dopravy.
Linku Jokeri obsluhuje 29 low-entry busů Volvo 14.7 m s kapacitou 103 cestujících.
TZ Volvo Bus Corporation, překlad BUSportál
Volvo bus named Commercial Vehicle of the Year in Finland
Volvo’s low-entry bus, Volvo 8700 LE, has been named Commercial Vehicle of the Year in Finland. It was selected for the award due to its environmental friendliness and that it is an important component of the new Bus Rapid Transit system in Helsinki.Each year the transport trade magazine Ajolinja awards the title Commercial Vehicle of the Year in Finland. The most important argument cited in selecting the Volvo 8700 LE for 2006 is that the bus has such low emissions. The bus already today meets the Euro V emission standard that does not become effective until 2009. Moreover, Volvo was the first bus manufacturer to deliver diesel buses that meet the Euro V standard in Finland.
According to Ajolinja, the Volvo 8700 LE is also a essential part of the Jokeri bus transit system in Helsinki, which has raised a lot of positive publicity. This system has significantly improved cross-city connections in the capital city area.
Jokeri, operated by Concordia Bus Finland, comprises a 30-kilometer bus line. The bus traffic moves smoothly and rapidly as a result of separate bus lanes and that the buses have priority at crossings with traffic signals. Since the buses avoid so many stops, emissions are further reduced. A GPS system ensures that passengers at the stops can see exactly when the next bus arrives. The Jokeri buses also feature distinctive interior and exterior designs and colors clearly distinguishing them from other buses. According to Ajolinja, Jokeri has become a brand in itself.
The Jokeri Line has 29 low-entry buses in traffic from Volvo. These are 14.7-meter-long bogie buses with capacity for 103 passengers.
PR Volvo Bus Corporation