Aktivity Volvo Buses ve světě: Indie, Mexiko, Austrálie, Brazílie, Singapur

(CZ+EN) Volvo Buses’ largest order in India * Major order for Volvo Buses in Mexico * Volvo wins Australian order for up to 650 buses * Volvo’s hybrid buses in Brazil and Mexico * Order for 300 Volvo double-deck buses in Singapore
(CZ+EN) Volvo Buses’ largest order in India * Major order for Volvo Buses in Mexico * Volvo wins Australian order for up to 650 buses * Volvo’s hybrid buses in Brazil and Mexico * Order for 300 Volvo double-deck buses in Singapore
Tiskové zprávy Volvo Buses z mimoevropských destinací se nahromadily v pořadí ke zpracování natolik, že jsme se rozhodli udělat jeden souhrn. Překlady jsou velmi stručné, plné znění zpráv je k dispozici pod českým textem.

Největší zakázka Volvo Buses v Indii
Zakázka od dopravce Vijayanand Road Lines Logistics, VRL je na 100 třínapravových autokarů Volvo 9400XL. budou dodány během roku 2011. Jsou anoncovány velké plány expanze pro následující roky. V závodě Volvo u Bangalore se očekává v budoucích dvou letech zdvojnásobení produkce.
VRL je největší dopravní společnost v Indii s 3000 autobusy a nákladními vozy. První autobusy Volvo zakoupila v roce 2002 a má nyní ve flotile 48 autobusů Volvo.
Velká zakázka Volvo Buses v Mexiku
Volvo Buses zajišťuje dodávku 450 autokarů Volvo 9700 do Mexika pro rok 2011. Mexiko je země s málo rozvinutou železniční dopravou. letecká doprava je pro většinu obyvatel cenově nedostupná. Velké množství dálkových spojů je zajišťováno autokary. Vozidla budou stavěna v závodě Volvo Buses v Tultitlánu poblíž Mexico City. Vozy budou vybaveny 13 l motory Euro 5, přestože legislativa v Mexiku tak přísné emisní limity nevyžaduje.
Zákazníkem je IAMSA, holding mnoha autobusových dopravců v Mexiku: ETN, Omnibus de Mexico, API, TAP and Turistar.
3. 12.2010
Volvo vyhrálo dodávku až na 650 autobusů v Austrálii
Volvo Bus Australia oznámila dodávku až 650 nízkopodlažních městských autobusů s motory s limity EEV pro následujících 10 let do Perthu. Zákazníkem je Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (PTA). Volvo bude spoluopracovat s Volgren Australia s karosářskou kapacitou v městě Malaga, WA. Kontrakt je na 5 let s opcí na dalších 5 let. Předcházejícím kontraktem PTA byla dodávka 919 nízkopodlažních autobusů Mercedes-Benz v letech 1999-2011. Přes 75% vozidel dopravce je klimatizovaných.

Kontrakt zahrnuje mix Volvo B7RLE a kloubových B12BLEA.

Hybridní autobusy Volvo v Brazilii and Mexiku
Hybridy Volvo, které se úspěšně prodávají v Evropě, se jako další krok testují v Brazílii a Mexiku. V květnu 2010 začala sériová produkce Volvo 7700 Hybrid a double-deckeru Volvo B5L Hybrid. V krátké době byly zajištěny objednávky na 150 hybridních autobusů v Evropě. Následně Volvo Buses inicializovalo testování autobusů s hybridní technologií Volvo v Jižní Americe a Mexiku.První hybrid by testován v brazilské Curitibě ve spolupráci s dopravcem URBS.

V roce 2014 bude Brazílie hostit světový šampionát ve fotbale a to je důvod pro to, aby mnoho brazilských měst investovalo do účinnější a ekologičtější dopravy. Po Curitibě bude Volvo 7700 Hybrid testován v Sao Paulu a Riu de Janeiru v Brazílii a později také v kolumbijské Bogotě. Hybrid také právě dorazil do Mexika pro test v Mexico City v oblasti historického centra jako spojení dvou BRT linek. Představí se na konferenci o udržitelné dopravě v Mexico City a na klimatické konferenci COP 16 v Cancunu.

Zakázka na 300 Volvo double-deckerů v Singapuru
SBS Transit opět zvolil motory Euro 5. Dopravce je jedním z nejdůležitějších zákazníků Volvo Buses. Od roku 1981 dodalo dopravci více než 1700 autobusů, minule 150 double-deckerů v roce 2009. Podvozky na další vozy budou vyrobeny ve švédském Borås, nástavby Wrightbus budou montovány v Singapuru. Dodávka bude dokončena v roce 2012.


Volvo Buses’ largest order in India
Volvo Buses has received its largest order in India to date, for 100 Volvo 9400XL coaches. The company is also announcing major expansion plans for the coming years.

The company that ordered the 100 triple-axle Volvo 9400XL coaches is Vijayanand Road Lines Logistics, VRL. The coaches will be delivered during 2011 and the order is the largest to date in India in terms of order value.

VRL is the largest transport company in India, with nearly 3,000 buses and trucks. The company purchased its first Volvo bus in 2002 and currently has 48 Volvo buses in its fleet.

“This order reflects the amount by which our confidence has grown in our partnership with Volvo, in the Indian passenger demands and of course in our business, as a Corporate Brand that provides top notch transport services,” says Vijay Sankeshwar, Chairman, VRL.

During the company’s nearly ten years in India, Volvo Buses has changed the image of bus travel, with its luxurious, safe and efficient buses.

“This is not something we do alone. It is our customers, such as VRL, who are actually affecting this change on the field”, says Akash Passey, Managing Director, Volvo Buses in India. “These are not bus operators as we know them, but emerging corporate houses backed by a modern, professional and customer-focused approach.”

The order from VRL arrived at a time when Volvo Buses in India is announcing plans for significant expansion in the coming years. The company expects to double the operation in the plant outside Bangalore in the next two years.

“We see the establishing of key concepts that will drive future progress – long-haul luxury travel is getting segmented with higher demands and the country is clear about its ambition of making public transport a key tool for sustainable cities,” says Akash Passey.

This will involve new facilities for refurbishment operations and an expansion of the paint shop. The company was earlier run as a joint venture, with Volvo Buses owning 70% and the Azad Group partner 30%. Volvo Buses has now bought out the partner and thus owns 100% of the plant, which will generate higher flexibility in the future expansion.

December 6, 2010
Major order for Volvo Buses in Mexico
Volvo Buses has secured an order for 409 coaches in Mexico. The buses are scheduled for delivery in 2011.

Mexico is a country with less developed train services and where air travel is too expensive for most inhabitants. Consequently, a major portion of long-distance travel is conducted using coaches. Volvo Buses has now received a major new order for 409 Volvo 9700 coaches. Delivery will commence already in January and all of the buses are scheduled to be delivered during 2011. The buses will be assembled at Volvo Buses’ plant in Tultitlán, outside Mexico City.

The client is IAMSA, which is a holding company for a large number of bus companies in Mexico. The companies that will own and operate the buses are ETN, Omnibus de Mexico, API, TAP and Turistar. The buses are equipped with Volvo’s new 13-liter engine, which complies with the tough Euro V exhaust requirements. In Mexico, Euro V is not yet a legal requirement, but, for environmental purposes, IAMSA’s member companies have chosen to take the lead by selecting the engines that generate the lowest emissions.

“The main reason why we received this order is our close cooperation with IAMSA and the operators,” says Per Gabell, President of Volvo in Mexico. “We work closely together to find the best solutions for them.”

Since the 13-liter engine is new in the market, operators were quite cautious as is the case with all new technology.

“However, one of the operators, Omnibus de Mexico, has used our coaches with the new engine for some time and is very satisfied with its reliability, performance and fuel consumption,” says Per Gabell. “This has contributed to Omnibus and the other operators now placing a major order for the new coaches.”

December 3, 2010
Volvo wins Australian order for up to 650 buses
Volvo Bus Australia has been announced today as the winning contractor for the supply of up to 650 low floor city buses over the next 10 years to Perth.

The customer is the Public Transport Authority of Western Australia (PTA). Volvo will provide the units together with Volgren Australia who will manufacture the bus bodies at its facility in Malaga, WA. The total value of the contract, including chassis and bodies, is approximately 2.65 billion SEK, The contract is for a five year term with an option to extend for a further five years and will enable the PTA to update and modernise its bus fleet in the Perth metropolitan area.

Transport Minister Simon O’Brien said deliveries under the new contract will commence in July next year. The previous PTA contract set up by the Liberal National coalition government in 1999, which delivered 919 Mercedes Benz low floor buses, ends in June 2011.

“Currently, over 75% of the Transperth bus fleet is low-floor accessible and air conditioned,” Mr O’Brien said. “The new contract with Volvo will ensure the fleet remains at the forefront of the industry in terms of disability access and environmental friendliness. Importantly, it will use the EEV diesel technology, the cleanest bus technology commercially available today,” he said.

Volvo is an industry leader in emission technology, with its Enhanced Environmentally-friendly Vehicles (EEV) at the cutting edge of emission technology worldwide. The technology results in significantly reduced levels of both greenhouse gas emissions and particulate matter but also in enhanced fuel efficiency.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for Volvo Bus to develop a long-term, strategic relationship with the PTA in Perth”, says David Mead, General Manager Volvo Bus Australia.

“The contract will initially use a mix of Volvo’s B7RLE rigid and B12BLEA articulated buses. Both models are well proven in the Australian market and continue to set the industry standard for fuel efficiency, driveability and lifecycle costs. Coupled with our strong dealer partner, Truck Centre WA, we look forward to supporting the operators within the PTA over the next 10 years and beyond.” Truck Centre WA has been a partnered with Volvo for more than 40 years and employs more than 230 staff across its network. As a result of the announcement, Truck Centre plan to set up a specialised and dedicated bus service team in Perth to support the PTA.

November 2, 2010
Volvo’s hybrid buses in Brazil and Mexico
Volvo’s hybrid buses are being sold successfully in Europe. The company is now taking the next step and will commence test driving in Brazil and Mexico.

In May this year, Volvo Buses launched serial production of its hybrid buses, the Volvo 7700 Hybrid and the double-decker Volvo B5L Hybrid. In a short time, the company has secured orders for about 150 hybrid buses in Europe.

But the increasing demand for hybrid buses derives not only from Europe but also from several other places around the world.

“Researchers currently agree that we must find methods to reduce total energy consumption,” says Edward Jobson, Environment Manager at Volvo Buses. “Hybrid technology is the best way to achieve this in public transport, this is being recognized by an increasing number of decision-makers and Volvo can offer the most efficient solution.

Consequently, Volvo Buses has initiated test driving of buses with Volvo hybrid technology in South America and Mexico.

In South America, test driving is being conducted in cooperation with the Clinton Climate Initiative organization, which focuses on reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. The organization has an agreement with Volvo, whereby they jointly demonstrate the major benefits provided by the hybrid technology and the BRT system with regard to reducing carbon emissions.

For the past few days, the first hybrid bus has been operating in test traffic in Curitiba, Brazil, in collaboration with URBS, the company responsible for local traffic in the city.

In 2014, Brazil will be hosting the Soccer World Cup and this is one of several reasons why many cities in Brazil are investing significantly to create more efficient and environmentally sound transport solutions. The test driving of Volvo’s hybrid buses is in line with this effort.

After Curitiba, the Volvo 7700 Hybrid will be tested in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and later also in Bogota, Colombia.

A Volvo 7700 Hybrid also recently arrived in Mexico, where it will be tested in Mexico City for a dedicated service running through the historic centre to connect two BRT lines using hybrids exclusively. It will also feature at a conference on sustainable transports in Mexico City and, in particular, at the major COP 16 climate conference in Cancun.

The unique hybrid technology of Volvo is a parallel hybrid where a smaller diesel engine and an electric motor can power the bus independently, as well as by both engines simultaneously.

The brake energy is recovered, stored in a lithium-ion battery provides energy to the electric motor for drive power. Several of the auxiliary systems also use electricity from the battery.

With a parallel hybrid, the battery is smaller and lighter compared to a serial hybrid. For Volvo Buses the result is that the hybrid bus can carry more passengers than its diesel counterpart.

The fuel savings is also bigger with a parallel hybrid and that in a wider field of applications. The fuel consumption in a Volvo hybrid bus is reduced by up to 35% and greenhouse-gas carbon emissions are cut by an equal amount.

Other emissions are also about 40-50% lower. For countries that today use buses with Euro III engines, other emissions are up to 80% lower with the Volvo hybrid bus.

Volvo’s hybrid technology also contributes to a more silent city environment since the diesel engine switches off at bus stops. The bus starts only with the help of an electric motor, which results in a quiet and exhaust-free environment at bus stops.

“Volvo currently has the world’s most efficient hybrid solution,” says Edward Jobson. “It generates substantial environmental gains regardless of whether it is used in heavy city traffic or sparse traffic, and even where distances between bus stops are long.

“I am convinced that hybrid buses will dominate city traffic globally in a few years’ time and Volvo has great prospects of becoming one of the largest suppliers of such buses.”

October 5, 2010
Order for 300 Volvo double-deck buses in Singapore
Volvo Buses has secured an order for 300 double-deck buses from SBS Transit in Singapore with a value of about US$ 110 million. SBS Transit has once again opted for environmentally enhanced Euro V engines.

SBS Transit is one of Volvo Buses’ most important customers. Since 1981, Volvo has delivered more than 1,700 buses to the Company. The last order was for 150 double-deck buses in 2009. With this order, Volvo has secured its position as the primary supplier of double-deck buses to meet SBS Transit’s new vehicle requirements into 2012.

The order is for 300 double-deck buses built on the Volvo B9TL chassis. The chassis will be produced in Borås, Sweden, while the bodywork that is to be made by Wrightbus will be mounted in Singapore. Deliveries will commence in 2011 and be completed by end 2012.

SBS Transit has opted to equip the buses with engines that comply with Euro V. It has not yet been decided when these requirements will be introduced in Singapore, but this is the way for SBS Transit to show its continued commitment to environmental protection in Singapore.

In a first for SBS Transit, the buses will also be equipped with Volvo’s latest fleet management system, ITS4mobility. This system will allow SBS Transit to monitor the buses operational efficiency and also driver behaviour which will assist in reducing fuel consumption and general running costs. SBS Transit Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Gan Juay Kiat, said: “We have been renewing our fleet over the last five years to provide our commuters with a more comfortable and safer ride. The new buses are also environmentally friendly, which is a key consideration for us.”

“This order once again underlines the strong relationship built up between SBS Transit and Volvo Buses over many years of close partnership,” says Alec Bell, Volvo Buses’

Area Director South East Asia. “The quality provided by the B9TL chassis combined with Wrightbus bodywork provides SBS Transit with an environmentally advanced, solution that is fuel-efficient and reliable, best suited to Singapores demanding operations. This, together with Volvo Buses commitment to providing world class service and parts support provided the winning formula”

September 6, 2010

Aktivity Volvo Buses ve světě: Indie, Mexiko, Austrálie, Brazílie, Singapur
Aktivity Volvo Buses ve světě: Indie, Mexiko, Austrálie, Brazílie, Singapur
Aktivity Volvo Buses ve světě: Indie, Mexiko, Austrálie, Brazílie, Singapur
Hybrid - Curitiba
Aktivity Volvo Buses ve světě: Indie, Mexiko, Austrálie, Brazílie, Singapur
Aktivity Volvo Buses ve světě: Indie, Mexiko, Austrálie, Brazílie, Singapur
Aktivity Volvo Buses ve světě: Indie, Mexiko, Austrálie, Brazílie, Singapur
Aktivity Volvo Buses ve světě: Indie, Mexiko, Austrálie, Brazílie, Singapur