688 podvozků Volvo pro kolumbijskou Bogotu

(CZ + EN) Vícečlánkové pro BRT systém Transmilenio. (Largest deal ever for Volvo Buses in Colômbia)
(CZ + EN) Vícečlánkové pro BRT systém Transmilenio. (Largest deal ever for Volvo Buses in Colômbia)
Volvo Bus Latin America prodala 688 podvozků pro hlavní město Kolumbie, Bogotu. Dodávka, největší v Kolumbii, zahrnuje stadardní podvozky i vícečlánkové. Nové vozy jsou určeny pro třetí fázi expanze systému BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Transmilenio in v Bogotě,

V 688 šasi je zahrnuto i 48 jednokloubových a 97 dvoukloubových pro páteřní linky BRT systému. Autobusy standardní délky jsou nízkopodlažní (LE) a budou využity na konvenčních l a přípojných linkách. Budou to první nízkopodlažní vozy využité v Bogotě umožňující přístup vozíčkářům.

Z TZ Volvo Buses, kompletní anglicky
Podle fotografie lze usoudit, že karosářem podvozků Volvo je Marcopolo.
Largest deal ever for Volvo Buses in Colômbia
Volvo Bus Latin America has recently sold 688 bus chassis to the capitol of Colômbia, Bogotá. It's the company's largest deal ever in Colômbia. The deal encompasses chassis for conventional buses as well as articulated and biarticulated buses.

The new vehicles were sold for the third phase expansion of Transmilenio in Bogotá, the continent’s most efficient and advanced BRT-system. BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) is the accronym for high-capacity bus-based urban transportation systems – a cost efficient alternative to rail-bound transport systems.

“This deal reaffirms Volvo’s position as main supplier of BRT solutions in Latin America, in particular as a function of the high transportation capacity of our chassis and their low operating costs”, affirms Luis Pimenta, president of Volvo Bus Latin America. According to him, the option for vehicles of this size contributes decisively to improving the quality of life in Bogotá, a metropolis that still coexists with highly congested traffic by the 16 thousand passenger transportation vans.

“Gradually removing this huge small capacity vehicle fleet reduces the number of traffic accidents and contributes significantly towards improving the quality of the air”, says Euclides Castro, urban bus manager at Volvo Bus Latin America. In total the deal encompasses 688 chassis including 48 articulated and 97 biarticulated vehicles that will operate the trunk lines of Transmilenio. The remaining over 500 chassis will be used for low entry buses, operating conventional lines and feeder lines. These are the first low floor buses to be used in Bogotá enabling access by wheelchairs to public transportation.

PR Volvo Buses

688 podvozků Volvo pro kolumbijskou Bogotu