3. Mezinárodní trolejbusové sympozium trolley:motion 23. a 24.10 v Lipsku

Nové horizonty v městské dopravě - inovativní elektrické městské autobusové systémy připravují cestu k postkarbonové společnosti. (The 3rd International Trolleybus Symposium held by trolley:motion on 23rd und 24th. October 2012 in Leipzig)
Nové horizonty v městské dopravě - inovativní elektrické městské autobusové systémy připravují cestu k postkarbonové společnosti. (The 3rd International Trolleybus Symposium held by trolley:motion on 23rd und 24th. October 2012 in Leipzig)
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The 3rd International Trolleybus Symposium held by trolley:motion on 23rd und 24th. October 2012, at the Neue Messe in Leipzig
“New Horizons in Urban Transport – Innovative electric city bus systems smooth the way to the post-carbon society.“

Given the demands that climate protection and resource conservation place on transport, environmental and energy policy, the German government has decided on a package of measures to strengthen the development and use of electromobility in German transport. Innovative electric bus systems, more than anything else, represent a major new innovation in road based public transport in towns and conurbations.

Based on international experience and new qualitative approaches used by electric bus systems, the 3rd International Trolleybus Symposium is pursuing the objective of presenting and discussing factually based arguments and trends, as well as to explore them technically for every day use in transport operations. Both established and innovative technology will equally be in focus as well as advanced research results in industry and science.

The conference also includes a presentation of the results to date of the EU funded TROLLEY –Project.

The conference is thematically tied into the Leipzig trade fair “euregia 2012“ and the associated technical forum “new mobility“.

Under the main themes

• Electric bus systems worldwide and in Germany – the status quo
• Mobility planning in towns and conurbations –the introduction of electric buses
• Technical and technological innovations in electric buses
• Sustainability criteria on the test bench: economy, energy efficiency and environmental impact with electric buses

Internationally renowned speakers from industry, politics and the transport sector will present the current position and the prospects for the near future. Podium discussions will scrutinise the information given and together with a general evening meeting there will be extensive opportunities for discussions and making new contacts.

You will find further information at: www.trolleymotion.com, www.trolley-project.eu