26 VDL Bus & Coach Ambassador Euro 5/EEV objednal dopravce Syntus.

(CZ + EN) (Syntus opts for the cleanest and most fuel-efficient.)
(CZ + EN) (Syntus opts for the cleanest and most fuel-efficient.)
Dopravce Syntus objednal 26 12 m Ambassadorů ALE 120 od VDL Bus & Coach s motorem Euro 5/EEV. s dodáním na konci března 2009.

Ambassador je lehký autobus s nízkou spotřebou pro veřejnou dopravu. Pro Syntus jsou autobusy vybaveny 38 + 2 sklopnými sedadly a 42 místy pro stojící. Autobus je nízkopodlažní typu LE. přístupný pro vozíčky a kočárky. Vozy jsou určeny pro regionální dopravu v regionu ‘Achterhoek’ na východě Nizozemí.
Syntus B.V. zajišťuje veřejnou dopravu autobusy a vlaky v regionu ‘Achterhoek’ a železniční spojení mezi městy Tiel a Arnhem. je částí NS Group (Nederlandse Spoorwegen, the Dutch Railway Company) a francouzského Keolisu.
Valkenswaard, 11.3.2009, TZ VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach Nederland bv
Syntus opts for the cleanest and most fuel-efficient diesel bus: the VDL Bus & Coach Ambassador Euro 5/EEV
The public transport company Syntus has placed an order for 26 Ambassadors with VDL Bus & Coach. All Ambassadors are of the ALE 120 type, with a length of 12 metres and fitted with a Euro 5 engine with an EEV exhaust filter. This is a double advantage for the entrepreneur and the environment as this system combines efficient fuel consumption with a substantial reduction in CO2, NOx, NHMC and fine particle emissions. With this order, Syntus has opted for the cleanest and most fuel-efficient public transport diesel bus. The 26 Ambassadors will be delivered at the end of March 2009.

The Ambassador is a lightweight bus with very low fuel consumption, and is especially oriented towards the travelling comfort of public transport passengers. The Ambassadors for Syntus will be fitted with 38 seats, 2 folding seats and 42 standing places. As a result of the low-floor construction at the entrance and exit doors (Low Entry), the bus is easily accessible for wheelchair users and passengers with baby carriages. The buses are intended for the regional transport in the ‘Achterhoek’ (a region in the East of the Netherlands).
Syntus B.V. provides public transport with bus and train in the ‘Achterhoek’, an area in the Dutch province of Twente, and the railway line between the Dutch cities of Tiel and Arnhem. Syntus is a joint subsidiary of the NS Group (Nederlandse Spoorwegen, the Dutch Railway Company) and Keolis, an internationally operating French passenger transportation company.
Valkenswaard, 11 March 2009, PR VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach Nederland bv