(CZ+EN) je určeno na cesty do Prahy. Krakova, Kluže, Vídně a Mukačeva. (20 Magiqs for OrangeWays in Hungary.)
(CZ+EN) je určeno na cesty do Prahy. Krakova, Kluže, Vídně a Mukačeva. (20 Magiqs for OrangeWays in Hungary.)
OrangeWays Incorporated Budapešť (Hungary) představila novou koncepci služeb v Evropě založený na levných službách pro letecké společnosti. Startuje s osmi autokary VDL BOVA Magiq, které budou směřovat z Budapešti do různých evropských měst. Na jaře 2008 bude počet destinací rozšířen spolu se zakázkou na 12 daších autokarů Magiq.
Autokary Magiq typu MHD 148-460 14.8 m s 63+1+1 sedadly mají luxusní kožená sedadla vybavena 4kanálovým osobním audiosystémem. Stevardka obsluhuje kávový bar a k dispozici jsou zdarma noviny. Cestující si jízdenku obstarává současně s letem - ten první má největší slevu. Jednotlivá cesta do Prahy může být i 15 EUR.
Comfortable, cheap and fast travel
The Magiqs provided are of the type MHD 148-460 with a length of 14.8 metres and they are fitted with 63+1+1 seats. The luxury leather seats are fitted with a 4-channel audio system per person. There is a hostess on board who will operate the coffee bar and there are free newspapers for the passengers. Seats can be booked online just as when booking a flight. The first person to book gets the biggest discount. A single journey from Budapest to Prague, for example, can be booked for EUR 15.--. Agreements have been made with the owners of toll roads and with the authorities to reduce waiting times at the border. Everything is focused on travel which is as pleasant, comfortable and fast as possible and at a particularly low price.
Autokary Magiq typu MHD 148-460 14.8 m s 63+1+1 sedadly mají luxusní kožená sedadla vybavena 4kanálovým osobním audiosystémem. Stevardka obsluhuje kávový bar a k dispozici jsou zdarma noviny. Cestující si jízdenku obstarává současně s letem - ten první má největší slevu. Jednotlivá cesta do Prahy může být i 15 EUR.
Maďarská společnost OrangeWays Incorporated nabízí rychlé a levné dopravní služby do 600 km od Budapešti. První mezinárodní linky OrangeWays startovaly 26.11.2007. V současnosti do Prahy (550 km), Krakova (500 km), Kluže (500 km), Vídně (250 km) a Mukačeva (400 km). Na jaře 2008 se chystají i delší linky včetně Milána a Amsterodamu.TZ Eindhoven, 4.12.2007 2007 VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach bv. Překlad BUSportál. Kráceno.
20 Magiqs for OrangeWays in Hungary
OrangeWays Incorporated of Budapest (Hungary) has launched a new concept for scheduled services in Europe. This concept is based on the cheap air services offered by a number of airlines and will therefore compete with these cheap flights. OrangeWays will start with 8 Magiqs which will be deployed on the routes from Budapest to various cities in Europe. The number of international destinations will be expanded in the Spring of 2008 and an order has been placed for 12 extra Magiqs to do this.Comfortable, cheap and fast travel
The Magiqs provided are of the type MHD 148-460 with a length of 14.8 metres and they are fitted with 63+1+1 seats. The luxury leather seats are fitted with a 4-channel audio system per person. There is a hostess on board who will operate the coffee bar and there are free newspapers for the passengers. Seats can be booked online just as when booking a flight. The first person to book gets the biggest discount. A single journey from Budapest to Prague, for example, can be booked for EUR 15.--. Agreements have been made with the owners of toll roads and with the authorities to reduce waiting times at the border. Everything is focused on travel which is as pleasant, comfortable and fast as possible and at a particularly low price.
The Hungarian company OrangeWays Incorporated is offering a service to transport passengers within a radius of 600km of Budapest comfortably, cheaply and quickly. The first international OrangeWays scheduled services officially started on 26 November 2007. For now the destinations are Prague in the Czech Republic (550 km), Cracow in Poland (500 km), Cluj-Napoca in Romania (500 km), Vienna in Austria (250 km) and Munkachevo in the Ukraine (400 km). In the Spring of 2008 OrangeWays wants to expand the scheduled services with several international destinations beyond this radius of 600 km to include Milan and Amsterdam. The striking colours of orange and purple will undoubtedly make the Magiqs of OrangeWays a very familiar sight on the roads of Europe.PR Eindhoven, 4 December 2007 VDL Bus & Coach bv VDL Bus & Coach bv