2 x Volvo Buses: Dodávky do Velké Británie i USA
Vozidla pro USA: autokar Prevost a městský Nova bus

(CZ + EN) Objednateli jsou v Británii Firstgroup, National Express Group a Bullocks, v New Yorku MTA New York City Transit. (Strong Volvo order intake in the UK. Volvo order for 180 buses for New York City)
(CZ + EN) Objednateli jsou v Británii Firstgroup, National Express Group a Bullocks, v New Yorku MTA New York City Transit. (Strong Volvo order intake in the UK. Volvo order for 180 buses for New York City)
Velké zakázky pro Velkou Británii
Volvo Buses dostaly mnoho nových důležitých zakázek do Velké Británie (UK). Tři z nich zahrnují více než 300 autobusů, z nichž 51 jsou hybridní doubledeckery.

Prvním zákazníkem je Firstgroup s požadavkem na celkem 942 autobusů během 3 let obecně, 447 pro rok 2011 a 2012. Pro tyto roky je potvrzena dodávka 240 vozidel Volvo s nástavbami Wright. Vozidla budou provozována v městech jako Manchester, Leeds, Bristol, Cardiff, Bath, Berkshire, Gosport a Londýn. Jedná se o 157 patrových a 45 standardních vozidel, z toho 38 hybridních. 6 hybridů bylo dodáno tento měsíc do Leedsu.

Volvo Bus zajišťuje také důležitou zakázku od National Express Group (NEG) zahrnující 59 vozidel pro West Midlands. 9 hybridů doubledeckerů je s nástavbou Wrightbus Eclipse Gemini 2. Volvo dodá také 50 běžných autobusů s podvozkem B7RLE s nástavbou Wrightbus. Autobusy budou dodány během 2. poloviny 2011.

Dalším velkým zákazníkem v UK je dopravce Bullocks z Cheadle, který právě koupil 4 nové patrové Volvo B5L Hybrid s nástavbou Wrightbus pro využití na klíčové lince Oxford Road Link.´Volva budou také v provozu na lince ‘Bullocks only’ v areálu nemocnice v Manchesteru.

Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation, kompletní v angličtině.
Objednávka 180 autobusů pro New York City od dceřiných společností Volvo Prevost a Nova Bus
Zákazníkem je MTA New York City Transit zajišťující podzemní dráhu a autobusovou dopravu v New Yorku. Spolčnost vlastní 4500 asutobusů, což je největší flotila v USA.

Prevost dodá 90 X3-45 specielně vyvinutých express autokarů, které využijí cestující pro dojíždění do práce. První autokar bude dodaný v červenci 2011 a ostatní mezi říjnem 2011 a lednem 2012.

V minulém roce dodal Nova Bus New York City Transit 90 kloubových autobusů. Nyní společnost obdržela objednávku na 90 Nova LFS 12 m autobusů ve třech různých variantách s možností nechat zákazníka otestovat různá technická řešení. Vozidla Nova bus se vyrábějí v závodě v Plattsburghu ve státě New York, dodávky jsou plánovány na první polovinu 2011.

Z TZ Volvo Bus Corporation, kompletní v angličtině.
Strong Volvo order intake in the UK
Volvo Buses has got several new important orders in the UK lately. Three of the orders are for a total of more than 300 buses whereof 51 are hybrid double deckers.

The first customer is Firstgroup that announces it is to order £160M of buses, 942 vehicles over the next 3 calender years. Of the 447 orders confirmed for 2011 and 2012 delivery, Volvo, with the partner Wrights, has been awarded 240 vehicles. It is the largest Volvo UK order received since 2008. The vehicles will operate in Manchester, Leeds, Bristol, Cardiff, Bath , Berkshire, Scotland, Gosport and London. The order consists of 157 double decks, 45 single decks, and Volvo’s biggest single hybrid order so far, 38 Hybrids.

The hybrid orders follows a successful demonstration of the parallel hybrid system, where both reliability and fuel consumptions targets exceeded expectations. The hybrid order is on top of the 6 vehicles delivered to Leeds this month, and includes a 7 year contract maintenance facility. Volvo Bus has also secured an important order from National Express Group (NEG) to supply a total of 59 new buses destined for operation in the West Midlands.

Significantly the order includes nine hybrid powered double deck buses with Wrightbus Eclipse Gemini 2 bodywork. These will be the first vehicles of their kind in the region - delivering new levels of environmental performance and fuel economy.

In addition, Volvo will also deliver 50 single deck B7RLE buses – again with Wrightbus bodywork – on its highly fuel efficient and environmentally-friendly seven litre diesel engine chassis. The new Volvo vehicles will be progressively delivered during the second half of 2011.

Another Volvo hybrid bus customer in the UK is Bullocks of Cheadle that have recently purchased four new Volvo B5L Hybrid double deck buses with Wrightbus bodywork for use on their key Oxford Road Link.

The green friendly vehicles will be operating on a ‘Bullocks only’ route which passes directly through the Manchester Royal Infirmary hospital grounds.

“It’s a relatively short trip of some four and half miles,” explained Alan Bullock, “but the fact we have a license to pass through the Royal Infirmary means we are quite selective when it comes to purchasing new vehicles”.

“The Volvo buses are extremely environmentally friendly, so much so that the engines automatically switch off when the bus is at a standstill, significantly reducing harmful emissions. We are hopeful that with a bit of practice it may even be possible to drive the short distance through the hospital with zero emissions, which would be absolutely fabulous”.

April 8, 2011, Press Information Volvo Bus Corporation
Volvo order for 180 buses for New York City
Volvo Buses has received an order for 180 buses for public transport in New York City via its subsidiaries Prevost and Nova Bus. The customer wants to test how the buses cope with the demands of the New York City traffic.

The customer is MTA New York City Transit, which is responsible for the subway and bus traffic in New York City. The company has 4,500 buses, making it the largest fleet in North America. Volvo Buses has received two major orders in recent times through its two subsidiaries in North America.

For Prevost, it involves an order for 90 X3-45 express coaches, which will be used for traffic for commuters. The X3-45 coach features have been developed for the New York City transit operation with a focus on passenger safety, accessibility, low operation costs and ease of maintenance. New York City Transit awarded the order to Prevost to be able to test the X3-45 model, with respect to durability, reliability and lifetime value. The first coach will be delivered in July this year and the remaining 89 will be delivered between October 2011 and January 2012.

Last year, Nova Bus delivered 90 articulated buses to New York City Transit. The company has now received an order for 90 Nova LFS 12-meter buses. Nova will deliver the buses in three different configurations to allow the customer to test various technical solutions.

The Nova buses will be built in the company’s plant in Plattsburgh in the New York state and deliveries are scheduled for the first half of 2011.

April 6, 2011, Press Information Volvo Bus Corporation

2 x Volvo Buses: Dodávky do Velké Británie i USA
Kombinace Volvo s nástavbami Wrightbus pro UK.