18m kloubový hybridní Solaris pro  BOGESTRA v Bochumi.

(CZ+EN) Hybridní autobus pomáhá životnímu prostředí v Porúří. (Solaris hybrid bus protects the environment in the Ruhr Area.)
(CZ+EN) Hybridní autobus pomáhá životnímu prostředí v Porúří. (Solaris hybrid bus protects the environment in the Ruhr Area.)
BUSportál se omlouvá za původní chybný podtitulek - samozřejmě s nejedná o vodíkový, ale o klasický dieselový hybrid.
Bolechowo, 4.1.2008 - V pátek 4.1. rozšířila společnost Bochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahnen AG (BOGESTRA) svůj vozový park prvním hybridním autobusem, polským kloubovým Solarisem Urbino 18 Hybrid. Je to třetí vozidlo v Německu (Drážďany, Lipsko) a čtvrté celkem z produkce Solaris (také Lenzburg Švýcarsko).

BOGESTRA je zákazníkem společnosti Solaris již dlouho, ve flotile dopravce je 31 vozů této značky včetně jubilejního pětistého autobusu pro německý trh.

Model autobusu pro Bochum byl poprvé představen na IAA 2006 v Hanoveru. Autobus je určen pro 130 cestujících, je klimatizován a vybaven mj. rampou pro vozíky. Jeho výhodou je i tichý provoz.
Z TZ Solaris Bus & Coach. Celé v angličtině.

Solaris hybrid bus protects the environment in the Ruhr Area
Bolechowo, 4 th January 2008 - On 4 th January 2008, Bochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahnen AG officially launched the first hybrid bus in Germany’s most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia. The environmentally friendly bus of the Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid model was manufactured by Solaris Bus & Coach.

Good news for the environment in the Ruhr Area right at the start of the new year: In an official ceremony on 4 th January 2008, Bochum-Gelsenkirchener Straßenbahnen AG (BOGESTRA) launched the first hybrid bus in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state. The 18 metre articulated bus protects the environment with its innovative hybrid drive, which combines a diesel engine and two electric engines. Experience by previous customers of the Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid has shown that this technology enables a reduction in fuel consumption of between 15 and 30 per cent.

The technology of the future used in the Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid has been proven in hundreds of city buses in North America. It was developed by Allison Transmission. The manufacturer of the hybrid bus operated by BOGESTRA, Solaris Bus & Coach, presented the first European hybrid bus based on this volume-production technology at the IAA Nutzfahrzeuge 2006 exhibition in Hanover. Today, the model is operated in Dresden and Leipzig in Germany as well as in the Swiss city of Lenzburg. BOGESTRA is the third German customer of the Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid.

The municipal operator of urban public transport in Bochum, Gelsenkirchen and neighbouring towns and cities has been a customer of Solaris for several years. Its fleet already includes 31 buses carrying the green dachshund, the trademark of Solaris. Among them is the 500 th Solaris supplied to Germany, handed over in 2006. At BOGESTRA, the trusty dachshund goes by the name of “Poldi” and in future, it will have two “hearts” – diesel and electric engines – when operating on busy route 345 in Bochum.

The new hybrid bus accomodates around 130 passengers, 50 of which will be seated. As in the conventionally powered sister vehicles already in operation on the route, passengers of the Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid will enjoy a high level of comfort. Air conditioning, tinted windows and an access ramp for wheelchair users ensure a pleasant journey for everyone. On top of this, passengers will now benefit from particularly gentle driving dynamics and low noise levels thanks to the hybrid drive, which combines the two “hearts” of diesel engine and electric motors.

“We are proud that the fourth Solaris hybrid bus will be operating with BOGESTRA in one of Europe’s largest conurbations,” commented deputy chairwoman Solange Olszewska on occasion of the delivery. “Over the next couple of months, further Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid will enter service, among other places, in Bremen and we are delighted to pursue an active role in reducing the stress on the environment in Germany.”

The parallel hybrid drive of the 18 metre articulated Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid combines a 250 kW (340 hp) Cummins diesel engine with the Allison Transmission E p DRIVE. In this central component of the power train, two electric engines produce 75 kW each and clutches and planetary gearboxes ensure the optimal mix of power supply. The electric power unit allows regenerative braking and energy recuperated in this way is stored in special batteries, ready to be re-used for acceleration. With these ground-breaking technologies, the hybrid bus reduces fuel consumption and emissions. The Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid therefore plays a vital role in protecting humans and environment alike by offering lower emissions of CO 2 and particulate matter.

18m kloubový hybridní Solaris pro  BOGESTRA v Bochumi.
18m kloubový hybridní Solaris pro  BOGESTRA v Bochumi.