120 dvoukloubových podvozků pro systém BRT  Transmilenio v kolumbijské Bogotě

(CZ + EN) posiluje pozici Volvo v Latinské Americe. (Volvo sells 120 bi-articulated chassis for the BRT system in Bogota, Colombia)
(CZ + EN) posiluje pozici Volvo v Latinské Americe. (Volvo sells 120 bi-articulated chassis for the BRT system in Bogota, Colombia)
Společnost Volvo Bus Latin America uzavřela obchod na více než 120 dvoukloubových (tříčlánkových) podvozků pro systém BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Transmilenio v Bogotě. Vozidla byla prodána sdružení dopravců Consorcio Express S.A.S., kterému bylo prodáno v minulém roce 67 kloubových a standardních podvozků. Systém má přes 100 stanic a přepraví denně 1.6 milionů cestujících v 266 distriktech. Tyto obchody posilují vedení Volvo Bus v celé Latinské Americe.
BUSportál: Podle přiloženého obrázku karosérie postaví patrně opět dceřiná společnost Superpolo latinskoamerického nástavbáře Marcopolo. (2009: 10 nejdelších autobusů světa Volvo 27.2 m pro systém Transmilenio v Bogotě)
Z TI Volvo Bus Corporation, Curitiba, srpen 2012. Kompletní v angličtině.
Volvo sells 120 bi-articulated chassis for the BRT system in Bogota, Colombia
Volvo Bus Latin America has closed a deal with over 120 bi-articulated chassis for Transmilenio, the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system of Bogota, Colombia. The vehicles were purchased by the operator Consorcio Express S.A.S., that last year purchased another 67 Volvo articulated and conventional chassis.

“This sale reinforces Volvo’s absolute leadership in BRT buses not just in Colombia, but throughout all of Latin America, and displays the unmatchable quality and suitability of our vehicles for the system”, stresses Luís Carlos Pimenta, president of Volvo Bus Latin America.

With this deal, Volvo reaches 75% share in Transmilenio. Of the new vehicles, 60 will be delivered by the end of this year and the remainder in early 2013. The chassis are model B340M bi-articulated high floor, with capacity for over 250 passengers and will circulate on the trunk axes of Transmilenio’s third expansion phase. The trunk axes are dedicated lanes for high capacity express buses (articulated and bi-articulated).

The inclusion of these buses in the system will increase the number of lines available and the transport capacity of Transmilenio. “The new buses will improve the quality of transportation and, consequently, the quality of life of the population of Bogotá”, affirms Pimenta.

Bogotá’s Transmilenio is the most modern and advanced BRT system in the world. The system has over 100 bus stations and transports every day 1.6 million passengers in 266 districts. “The acquisition of high capacity transportation chassis reinforces Transmilenio as a reference in BRT. The deployment of high capacity vehicles represents an excellent option for increasing and optimizing mass transit, as it reduces travel time and increases the number of passengers transported”, says Alexandre Selski, commercial manager for the Volvo Group Colombia.

The new buses already have SCR technology and are compliant with the Euro V emission standards, which also offers the citizens of Bogota less emissions and, consequently, cleaner air.

PI Volvo Bus Corporation, Curitiba, August 2012.

120 dvoukloubových podvozků pro systém BRT  Transmilenio v kolumbijské Bogotě