Dopis organizátorů HyFLEET:CUTE zájemcům o akci. Autobus MAN s vodíkovým spalovacím motorem tedy v Praze neuvidíme. Akce se posouvá o rok. ("... we have had to cancel the seminar and workshop in Prague on 28 and 29 March, ...")
Stručně v češtině, celé v angličtině. Je mi velmi líto, ale musíme zrušit seminář a workshop v Praze 28. a 29.3.2007. Důvodem je nízký počet registrací, které nedosahuje minima potřebného k efektivnosti akce. Plánujeme uspořádat novou akci na jaře příštího roku pravděpodobně s jiným k dopravě se vztahujícím projektem. O akci budeme včas informovat. Prosíme, přijměte omluvu a děkujeme za Váš zájem. Klaus Stolzenburg Coordinator HyFLEET:CUTE Training Activities Dear Madam, dear Sir, I am very sorry to tell you that, with great regret, we have had to cancel the seminar and workshop in Prague on 28 and 29 March, respectively. The reason is that the number of registrations is rather small and has not reached the minimum that would make the event effective. Our plan is to schedule a new event for spring next year, probably in cooperation with other transport-related hydrogen projects. As soon as a new date and venue are set we will contact you personally by email and so you will be among the first to be informed about it. If you have booked accommodation at the venue hotel or elsewhere, please remember to withdraw your reservation so you are not charged. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation. Thank you very much for your interest. Kind regards, Klaus Stolzenburg Coordinator HyFLEET:CUTE Training Activities