Hybridní kloubový autobus Solaris pro francouzský Strasbourg.

(CZ + EN). (Vive l’hybride: Solaris hybrid bus for Strasbourg)
(CZ + EN). (Vive l’hybride: Solaris hybrid bus for Strasbourg)
Bolechowo, 31.10.2008 - Francie je po Německu, Švýcarsku a Polsku již čtvrtou zemí, do kkterého vjíždí Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid. V souladu se smlouvou bude autobus vozit cestující ve Strasbourgu od začátku příštího roku u dopravce Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS) .

Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid s kombinací dieselového a elektrického motoru šetří oproti běžným vozidlům 22 - 24% paliva a emituje až o 80% zplodin méně.
Strasbourg leží na březích řek Ill a Rýn na hranicích s Německem. Je zde sídlo řady evropských úřadů.
Z TZ Solaris Bus & Coach Kompletní v angličtině.
Solaris představuje druhou generaci hybridních autobusů.
BUSportál SK: Hybridný Solaris vo Varšave.
SOLARIS U 18 Hybrid na prezentaci v Praze.

Vive l’hybride: Solaris hybrid bus for Strasbourg
Bolechowo, 31 October 2008 - The climate-friendly hybrid bus built by Solaris Bus & Coach has found another home: From the beginning of 2009, a Solaris hybrid will operate in the French city of Strasbourg. With fuel consumption currently already as much as 22–24 % lower and emissions reduced by up to 78 %, it is an economic solution for city transport as well as a clear benefit for the environment.

The French city of Strasbourg, located on the banks of the rivers Ill and Rhine at the border to Germany, connects Europe and looks to the future. The Council of Europe, European Parliament and European Court of Human Rights are all based in the historic city. Here, visions transcend borders and joint issues are addressed, including the challenge entailed by climate change. Now, the operation of a state-of-the-art Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid will demonstrate Strasbourg’s commitment to the environment and quality of life.

The Solaris hybrid bus for Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS) will enter service in early 2009. It will be the first of its kind in France, the fourth European country to use Solaris hybrid buses.

“The Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid now will also show its benefits in France. With significantly reduced fuel consumption and lower emissions – 13 % less NOX, 25 % less CO2 and even 78 % less particulate matter – compared to conventional diesel buses, it is an unbeatable advantage for the environment,” said Solange Olszewska, CEO of Solaris Bus & Coach.

Comparative tests with a conventionally-powered Solaris Urbino 18 were conducted according to the UITP-defined SORT measuring cycles by the TÜV SÜD Group and Dresden Fraunhofer Institute. The Solaris hybrid bus’s fuel consumption was lower by 23.7 % in the SORT1 cycle, 23.4 % in the SORT2 cycle and 22.9 % in the SORT3 cycle.

The Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid combines a 178 kW (242 PS) Cummins diesel engine with the EP50 hybrid system developed and supplied by Allison Transmission. Two 75 kW electric engines reduce the load of the diesel engine, enabling it to run at optimum speed at all times. During braking, energy is recuperated. This is stored in roof-mounted nickel-metal hydride batteries and is available for subsequent acceleration.

With the hybrid bus for Strasbourg, Solaris confirms it commitment to the French market, Europe’s largest bus and coach market. The Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid for CTS will not be the last of its kind: already, an order from another major French operator is on the books.

“Our buses in general and our hybrid bus in particular combine latest environmentally-friendly technology with highest quality, durability and attractive design. We are sure that this excellent combination will find many friends in France and that we will soon be able to announce further successes,” said Solange Olszewska.

With a workforce of 1,500 employees, Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois (CTS) operates the tram and bus network of the Strasbourg agglomeration, home to 650,000 people. 90 trams and 340 buses carry 90m passengers per year and offer state-of-the-art public transport for the “Capital of Europe”.

PR Solaris Bus & Coach

Hybridní kloubový autobus Solaris pro francouzský Strasbourg.
Hybridní kloubový autobus Solaris pro francouzský Strasbourg.
Hybridní kloubový autobus Solaris pro francouzský Strasbourg.