5000. autobus z Volvo Polska ve Vratislavi.
Heinz-Dieter Pohl z KVG Stade, Detmar Kampmann z Volvo Polska Industri a Håkan Karlsson z Volvo Buses při předání jubilejního autobusu.

(CZ + EN) Tříosý Volvo 8700 LE pro KVG Stade (5,000th bus from Volvo’s plant in Poland.)
(CZ + EN) Tříosý Volvo 8700 LE pro KVG Stade (5,000th bus from Volvo’s plant in Poland.)
Společnost Volvo Buses vyrobila 5000. autobus v polské Vratislavi. Autobus Volvo 8700 LE zde byl slavnostně předán německému zákazníkovi KVG Stade.

Volvo Buses začala s výrobou ve Vratislavi v roce 1995. Momentálně hlavní evropský závod na výrobu kompletních vozidel vyrábí většinu modelů z nabídky Volvo Buses. Mezi ně patří "Coach of the Year 2008" autokar Volvo 9700 i Volvo 7700 Hybrid představený před nedávnem na IAA v Hanoveru.

5000. autobusem ze závodu v Polsku je tříosý 14.7 m dlouhý částečně nízkopodlažní linkový autobus Volvo 8700 LE vybavený 12 l motorem Euro 4. Prostorný a funkční interiér má 57 sedadel.
Jubilejní autobus určený na příměstský provoz, byl objednán severoněmeckým dopravcem KVG Stade Ten provozuje městské i meziměstské autobusy a ve flotile má již 29 autobusů Volvo.
TZ Volvo Buses
Z návštěvy Volvo Polska Wroclaw
5,000th bus from Volvo’s plant in Poland.
Volvo Buses has manufactured its 5,000th bus at the plant in Wroclaw, Poland. The bus, a Volvo 8700 LE, was handed over to the German customer KVG Stade at a ceremony at the factory.

Volvo Buses started manufacturing in Wroclaw in 1995, which is currently its main plant for the production of complete buses in Europe. The plant manufactures most of the models in Volvo Buses’ range of city and intercity buses and coaches.

Among the models are the Volvo 9700, which was named Coach of the year 2008, and the Volvo 7700 Hybrid, which received considerable attention when launched at the IAA bus fair in Hanover, Germany, a few months ago.

“The plant in Wroclaw is our largest and most modern plant in Europe, with skilled bus builders manufacturing vehicles of high Volvo quality,” says Håkan Karlsson, President of Volvo Buses. “Producing 5,000 buses is something to be proud of and I am convinced we will soon reach 10,000 buses.”

The 5,000th bus from the plant is a Volvo 8700 LE, a triple-axle, 14.5-meter long intercity bus with low entry. The bus is equipped with Volvo’s fuel-efficient 12-liter engine in Euro IV format. The interior is spacious and functional, and the bus has 57 seats.

The jubilee bus was ordered by KVG Stade from the city of Stade in northern Germany, near Hamburg. KVG operates in both city and intercity traffic and already has 29 Volvo buses in its fleet. The new Volvo 8700 LE will be used for traffic between Stade and surrounding cities.

“Customers are the base of our business,” says Detmar Kampmann, President of Volvo Polska Industri, which includes the plant operations. “All of our activities are based on our customer’s requirements and desire for competitive vehicles that meet Volvo’s high ambitions concerning quality, safety and concern for the environment.

PR Volvo Buses

5000. autobus z Volvo Polska ve Vratislavi.
Volvo Polska 2005.
5000. autobus z Volvo Polska ve Vratislavi.
Volvo Polska 2005.