BUSportál SK: Úspešný štart VDL Bus & Coach Romania

(SK + EN) (Successful start for VDL Bus & Coach Romania)
(SK + EN) (Successful start for VDL Bus & Coach Romania)
V decembri 2008 bol do vedenia VDL Bus & Coach Romania vymenovaný Mircea Roşca, ktorý bol predtým zodpovedný za predaj výrobkov VDL BOVA v Rumunsku. Napriek nepriaznivej ekonomickej situácii, obzvlášť vo východnej Európe, VDL Bus & Coach Romania ukončil prvých šesť mesiacov roku 2009 zjavne úspešne.

Okrem expedovaných dvoch nových vozidiel Futura FLD 127 pre Sir-Impex, nasledovala ďalšia objednávka na dve Futury FLD, ktoré boli dodané v roku 2008 a na Futuru FHD 127 pre Meridian Europe Services Group, ďalej 20 použitých mestských autobusov, ktoré boli dodané pre Shans Tur.

Spolupráca s Mircea Roşca začala v roku 2005, kedy bol menovaný predajný manager výrobkov VDL BOVA v Rumunsku a importér VDL BOVA.

Výsledkom bol predaj 25 nových coachov a približne 60 jazdených autobusov.
VDL Bus & Coach Romania SRL vznikol v decembri 2008.
TS: VDL Bus & Coach bvValkenswaard, 20 July 2009, z anglického originálu:

Successful start for VDL Bus & Coach Romania

In December 2008 VDL Bus & Coach Romania was set up under the enthusiastic leadership of Mircea Roşca, who for many years was responsible for sales of VDL BOVA products in Romania. Despite the unfavourable economic situation in Eastern Europe in particular, VDL Bus & Coach Romania ended the first six months of 2009 markedly successfully.

In addition to deliveries of two new Futura FLD 127s to Sir-Impex, a follow-up order to two FLDs supplied in 2008, and a Futura FHD 127 to Meridian Europe Services Group, 20 used city buses were also delivered to Shans Tur. The latter order came about in close collaboration with VDL Coach & Bus Center in Veldhoven, The Netherlands.

Official distributor for Romania
The collaboration with Mircea Roşca began in 2005, when he was appointed Sales Manager for VDL BOVA products in Romania with the VDL BOVA importer at the time. This resulted in the sale of some 25 new coaches and over 60 used buses.
In December 2008 he founds VDL Bus & Coach Romania SRL. VDL Bus & Coach participates with a minority interest and underlines herewith the importance of the Romanian market and Romanian customers. As well as VDL BOVA products, all VDL Bus & Coach products are now sold and after-sales services are provided in Romania. This means that Romanian customers will receive even better service. Mircea Roşca is assisted by Catalin Dragomir, responsible for sales in the Moldova area, and Alex Petrescu, responsible for after sales.